High-Index Lenses: The Importance Of Lens Material
Although the weather is no longer warm in many areas, this does not mean you should stop worrying about your eyes. Regardless of what the weather is like, you still need to give your eyes the best protection possible. Wouldn’t it be a shame to miss out on the beauty of this world because you do not have the best optical wear?
If you love participating in outdoor sports, you will need to learn about how impactful curved frames can be. If you choose curved frames, you will like need lenses that will wrap around the frames.
In many sports, the performance is impacted by the athlete’s ability to see. If you are participating in a sport and you have trouble seeing what is ahead of you or what is near you, you will not be able to excel in the specific sport. In order for you to have success in your chosen sport, you will need to make sure your eyesight is in great condition.
When looking for eyeglasses that will fit your specific sports needs, you should look for glasses that are designed to do the following:
- Fit firmly, but comfortably on your face while you are participating in your sport
- Protect your eyes at all times
- Improve your vision to the point where you are given a great advantage when it comes to performance
Choosing the best frame is great, but that is definitely not enough. What good will great frames be if you do not have the correct lenses?
When you buy a pair of glasses, there is nothing wrong with spending time researching the perfect frames, but you should also spend a significant amount of time on making sure your lenses are the ones you need. Lenses are made from different materials, and all these materials will impact the performance, comfort, and quality of your vision.
When you talk to your eye doctor, he or she will be able to work with you so you can have the best material for your prescription.
The Material of the Lenses
Over the past few years, high-index lenses have become a popular choice. High-index lenses are light when referring to the weight and this makes the lenses an excellent choice for anyone who has been given a strong prescription.
If you do love the fashionable and stylish frames, high-index lenses are a great choice for those types of frames. One of the downsides of high-index lenses is how easily the lenses can scratch. However, you do not have to let this downside stop you. You have the option of choosing to add an anti-reflective coating or a scratch-resistant coating that will give you the best protection from scratches.
Lens material does not only impact your vision, but the material also impacts how others see you. If you choose lenses that are made from thick material, you may not like how others see your glasses. You may have the bug-eyed look or the coke bottle look. If this is not the look you are going for, you will definitely want to avoid lenses that are made from thick lens materials.
When you were prescribed prescription glasses, what was your first thought? Did you immediately think about the types of frames you would choose? Did you think about the differences in lenses? Frames are certainly important, but the material of your lenses is also important.
If your lenses are not made of the right materials, but you have the frames of your choice, will that do you any good? The answer is no. Before you choose your frames, you should do as much research on lens material as possible.
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