Archive for March, 2014

Thick Lenses Made Thinner

  • phillipsadmin
  • March 27, 2014

The trend in technological advancement is to make things smaller and thinner than they previously were. Thick Lenses Made Thinner Computer-chip motherboards that were once the size of suitcases are now the size of a fingernail. Televisions have morphed from tube-run behemoths that were a couple of feet thick just two decades ago to flat-screens […]

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High Index Lens Manufacturers

  • phillipsadmin
  • March 26, 2014

High index lenses are made just as glass and plastic are formed, via a complex chemical and production process. Manufacturers of High Index Lenses The exact process and chemical makeup is, as you might imagine, somewhat of an industry secret; certainly the individual manufacturers of high index blanks are loath to share their production methods. […]

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Will My Prescription Glasses Be Thick?

  • phillipsadmin
  • March 22, 2014

It’s one of the first questions directed at optometrists when it comes time to settle on a pair of prescription lenses: “How thick will they be?” How Thick Will My Prescription Glasses Be? The answer depends on two things: you and your prescription. You, because “thick” is subjective. Some people consider any lenses that are […]

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  • phillipsadmin
  • March 21, 2014

  How Noticeable? Is lens thickness really that noticeable to others? Several factors affect the answer; the strength of your prescription, and prescription type, and your frame selection. The stronger your prescription is, the thicker your lenses (if made of standard glass or plastic) will be. If your prescription is relatively mild or only moderately […]

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What is the Highest Index Lens Available in the U.S.?

  • phillipsadmin
  • March 16, 2014

If you’re reading this you’re probably familiar with the characteristics of high index lenses. Highest Index Lens Available in the U.S. You know that vision-correction prescriptions that fall within the stronger prescription range can benefit from the reduction in thickness and possible reduction in weight that high index lenses allow. You also know the trade-off […]

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  • phillipsadmin
  • March 11, 2014

  Are Thicker Lenses for My Glasses Really That Bad? There’s no reason to assume that a thick lens, if properly crafted to match your prescription, will in any way degrade your vision more than a thinner lens. The lens is transparent; your eye does not have work any harder to see through a thick […]

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Rimless Glasses with High Index Lenses

  • phillipsadmin
  • March 6, 2014

For some, the eyeglass frame makes a statement, and the bolder the better. High Index Lenses in Rimless Glasses They prefer frames that are conspicuous: thick brow lines, ornamentation, noticeable colors or patterned prints, any style that calls attention to itself. Others prefer the opposite approach and seek to tone down the frame as much […]

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1.74 High Index Single Vision Lenses

  • phillipsadmin
  • March 3, 2014

If you’re in the market for single-vision eyeglass lenses and have a moderate to moderately-high corrective prescription, 1.74 high index lenses might be just the thing for you. High Index 1.74  Single Vision Lenses High index material is used to construct lenses that are thinner and lighter than is possible with standard glass or plastic […]

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Zeiss Glass High Index 1.9

  • phillipsadmin
  • March 1, 2014

Zeiss is an international leader in the fields of optics and optical-electronics. High Index 1.9 Zeiss Glass In business for over 160 years, Zeiss has produced and developed solutions for businesses as varied as eyeglass and camera lenses, semiconductors, automotive and mechanical engineering, and medical and biomedical industries. Superior optics, craftsmanship, and quality are synonymous […]

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