Choosing Between 1.67 and 1.74 High-Index Lenses: Making the Right Choice for Your Budget
The concept of 1.67 high index lenses has probably been on your mind lately as you face the prospect of getting a prescription for glasses due to deteriorating eyesight. Even though we’re living in an era where technology for lenses has improved exponentially, it does make the options more overwhelming. You may also have trouble understanding what the 1.67 index actually means.
High-index lenses are already a major development in the world of optometry that brought new technology forward for more eye-wear comfort. Essentially, high-index lenses are lightweight thanks to thinner materials and a more pleasing aesthetic appearance.
Those with very high prescriptions due to myopia or other severe eye problems find high-index lenses a true gift to eliminate dealing with heavy glasses. More so, patients don’t want that bug-eye effect that troubles so many people with standard, thick lenses.
Nevertheless, high-index lenses have various index levels based on their thickness level. They also have various budget levels, and we know price always matters in the glasses you choose.
It’s usually a cross between 1.74 and 1.67 indexes for the thinnest index variety. Yet, which should you choose since both are very different from one another in specific features?
Here at High Index Lenses, we’re here to help you make a better, educated decision.
The Price Difference Between 1.67 and 1.74
Those with the worst eyesight usually want to go for the 1.74 lens because it’s actually thinner than those at 1.67. Nevertheless, 1.67 lenses are less expensive than 1.74 lenses because the former aren’t quite as thin. It all depends on how high your prescription is since the thicker the lens you need, the more 1.74 lenses would work better for you.
Keep in mind that 1.67 lenses still have cost variances based on other features available. Some of these features include anti-reflecting coatings, scratch prevention, or UV coatings. Your eye doctor can help you make a better decision based on your eyesight needs and what type of environment you live in.
Eliminating Eye Distortion
As mentioned above, that bug-eye effect on thick lenses is a real detriment to many. That may especially be the case with you if you have to meet with people on a regular basis. Dealing with business associates can potentially become awkward when your thick and heavy lenses distort your eyes to look larger (or even smaller) than they really are.
When eye contact is important in your job, high-index lenses help maintain the correct size of your eyes. These lenses almost look transparent thanks to how they’re produced. With this in mind, 1.74 can usually help you the best based on their thinner dimensions. The 1.67 index isn’t bad for preventing eye distortion either, though not quite as effective as the 1.74’s.
Variety of Colors
Only in the 1.67 index will you find a stronger variety of colors to choose from, which can help you make a more customized choice on your eyeglasses. Equally as important as how your glasses feel is how they look since you’ll be wearing those glasses for many years. You can easily customize your own brand and personal style with different colored tints.
1.74 lenses come in a variety of tints and coatings as well, which adds to the appeal of the thinner lens quality.
The rule of thumb is that if you only have moderately bad eyesight, 1.67 gives you all the same benefits for a more affordable price. Here at High Index Lenses, we’re available as a major source for you in making the right decisions.
All high-index lenses (including other index sizes with further features) are the new wave of the future for all eye-wear. It’s time to ditch those heavy, thick glasses and enjoy the benefits of looking and feeling better about wearing glasses in public.
Visit our website RX-Safety for more tips on making your best high-index lens choice.
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