Shopping for High Index Glass Lenses 1.9
If you have a high prescription but do not want those lenses that have the “bug-eyed” look, then the High Index Glass Lenses 1.9 are ideal for you.
Shopping for high index glass lenses 1.9
They are extremely thin and are made for extremely high prescriptions. The High Index Glass Lenses 1.9 are the thinnest lens material in existence, giving you the sleekest profile on your glasses and eliminating virtually all eye distortion (bug-eyes, shrunk eyes) associated with high prescriptions. It is scratch resistant and can last for a long time. The material is also highly brittle, heavier than plastic, and prone to optical distortion. If you have a high prescription and want the thinnest lenses possible, then the High Index Glass Lenses 1.9 are ideal for you!
Stay fabulous!
Jessica xo
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